All Peter really wants is to confess his love to MJ and try to move forward as a "friendly neighborhood" superhero after all of the Endgame drama - so he relinquishes control of EDITH and ends up in bigger trouble than he ever imagined. While in Venice, Fury tracks Peter down and commands him to help Mysterio fight the Elementals (sentient natural-disaster villains). Before Peter's European trip, Happy ( Jon Favreau) gives him a special inheritance from the late Tony Stark: command of EDITH, billion-dollar tech embedded in a pair of sunglasses. investigate a bizarre "storm with a face" that's fought by Quentin Beck ( Jake Gyllenhaal), a mysterious human from a parallel universe who's later dubbed Mysterio. Jackson), Maria Hill ( Cobie Smulders), and what's left of S.H.I.E.L.D. As Peter and his pals prepare for a school trip to Europe, Nick Fury ( Samuel L. Peter Parker ( Tom Holland) returns to his magnet New York high school with his best friend Ned ( Jacob Batalon), crush MJ ( Zendaya), and other students in the post-"Blip" (i.e., Thanos' Big Snap) world. SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME takes place after the events of Avengers: Endgame. To stay in the loop on more movies like this, you can sign up for weekly Note: This review is for the original theatrical version of the film an extended cut is also available and may include additional content not covered here. As with all superhero movies, the themes focus on power and responsibility, leadership, courage, confidence, perseverance, and rising up to face your destiny. The cast is realistically diverse for a New York City high school and includes characters of various backgrounds and sizes. Romance includes flirting, lots of discussion about liking someone/dating, and some hand-holding and a few brief kisses.

Occasional strong language includes "d-kwad," "bulls-t," "bitch," and one cut-off "what the f-k." There's a jokey reference to a pay-per-view adult movie that many kids will miss, and Peter is shirtless and changes in a few scenes. Characters are injured and shot at, there's massive destruction (much caused by super-strong water/fire/air monsters), and Spider-Man is so wounded that he looks battered and requires medical attention. And some of the video game-like battle scenes are literally dizzying. Expect a bit more action violence than in Homecoming, even accounting for eventual twists and turns that reveal that not everything (including the violence) is what it seems. Starring Tom Holland as Peter Parker/Spider-Man, the tween-friendly sequel to Spider-Man: Homecoming - which takes place on a high school trip to Europe - deals with the aftermath of the Big Snap and other major losses, but it's also fun and comical.

Parents need to know that Spider-Man: Far from Home is the first post- Avengers: Endgamemovie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe it works as both an epilogue to that saga and as a bridge to future films.